What you need: Laptop/Desktop with PowerPoint installed, preferably 2019 or Microsoft 365. Dedicated keyboard and mouse is preferable, though not compulsory.
What you get: All the resource files for life which includes modern fonts, templates, Vector icons and vector images, maps and other resources.
Certificate of completion.
More than that, a life skill that you would use day in and day out for the rest of your life.

- Fundamentals of PowerPoint
- Shortcuts; Objects; Selection pane, Alignment, Quick Access toolbar
- Create EYE-CATCHING, well-designed presentations
- Understanding MASTER SLIDES & LAYOUTS to create Templates
- Free Resources for Colour Palettes
- Free Resources for Awesome Fonts and how to install
- What differentiates good and bad business presentations
- Understanding Vectors
- Using Vectors for Country and World Map
- Free Resources for Vector Images and their conversion
- Using Icons to differentiate your presentations
- Free resources for most used Vector icons
- Embedding videos and text from different sources like Excel
- Understanding ZOOM and MORPH feature to create that Wow effect !
- Using Zoom feature the Professional way
- Using MORPH feature to Present SWOT analysis and other 2×2 grids used so often in Management
- Using MORPH to present cluttered data heavy tables in a crisp manner
- Using ZOOM feature to present Road-map/Timeline beautifully
- Using ZOOM feature to create PREZI like presentations
- Using Back to Home and other navigation tabs as in a Dashboard
- Complete template on 5 step Process Slides fully editable.
- Using Presenter View
- Basic Do’s and Don’t while presenting in front of a professional audience